1. Clinical governance
Purpose: To ensure that organisations put into effect a clinical governance framework. This is to ensure that there are systems set up within health service organisations to guarantee that patients and consumers experience safe and high-quality care.
2. Partnering with consumers
Purpose: To reinforce the necessity for patients to be partners in every step of the provision of healthcare systems and services. Patients are provided with the opportunity to be partners, rather than simply consumers of their care. The outcomes of this are mutually beneficial to patients and providers.
3. Preventing and controlling healthcare-associated infection
Purpose: To reduce the risk of patients contracting preventably healthcare-associated infections effectively, and restrict the development of microbial resistance through the correct prescribing and use of antimicrobials.
4. Medication safety
Purpose: To ensure that clinicians work with appropriate medicines safely, and monitor medicines use. Additionally, it aims to ensure that consumers are informed about medicines and have an understanding of their own medicine needs and associated risks.
5. Comprehensive care
Purpose: To ensure that patients receive comprehensive healthcare that meets the requirements of their goals and needs, this care should also consider the impact their health issues will have on their life and wellbeing. This standards also requires targeted strategies to be in place to ensure that risks patients during healthcare are prevented and managed.
6. Communicating for safety
Purpose: To ensure timely. Purpose-driven and effective communication and documentation that allows for continuous, coordinated and safe care for patients.
7. Blood management
Purpose: To ensure that a patient’s blood is optimised and conserved, and safely and properly managed. It also ensures that any blood and blood products provided to patients are safe and appropriate.
8. Recognising and responding to acute deterioration
Purpose: To ensure timely, purpose-driven and effective communication and documentation that allows for continuous, coordinated and safe care for patients.