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Bloodsafe eLearning AustraliaSep 2022

This resource has been published by Bloodsafe eLearning Australia, a Content Partner, and is hosted on an external website. Ausmed is not responsible for the content or advertising you may see.

Maternal red cell alloimmunisation can lead to haemolytic disease of the fetus and newborn (HDFN) and can have severe consequences for the fetus and/or neonate. The most common cause of HDFN is ABO incompatibility but this is usually mild. Severe HDFN is most commonly caused by antibodies to antigens in the Rh blood group system. Historically HDFN due to RhD, also known as erythroblastosis fetalis, led to fetal or neonatal death due to kernicterus or hydrops fetalis in approximately 50% of affected infants. Due to improvements in perinatal and neonatal care, this rate has now declined to less than 1% in developed countries. The introduction of RhD immunoglobulin prophylaxis has significantly decreased the prevalence of RhD antibodies and incidence of HDFN due to anti-D. This course is based on the Prophylactic use of RhD immunoglobulin in pregnancy care 2021 guidelines, Patient Blood Management Guidelines: Module 5 – Obstetrics and Maternity, and other relevant Australia and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion (ANZSBT) guidelines. The course provides evidence-based recommendations, practice points and expert opinion.

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