Accreditation: What Does it Mean for You and Your Client?

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Lecture Overview

The National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards define the level of care consumers can expect to receive from all healthcare services, across the country. But, what does this mean for you and your client in a practical sense, and how might you use the Standards to guide your own customer service and care? Sean Smith delivers an inspiring session on customer service and improvement, for all healthcare staff.


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Sean Smith View profile
Sean Smith is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Nursing at Torrens University. Sean is a former hospital CEO and DON and has worked in healthcare globally. As a Confirmed Candidate, Sean is working towards his PhD, researching clinical safety through digital transformation. Sean is passionate about strategy in healthcare, safety and quality in clinical practice and excellence in health management.
CPD time50m
First Published02 May 2021
Updated02 May 2021
02 June 2025
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