Alison Fenton is the Neurology Clinical Stream Leader at Active Rehabilitation Physiotherapy, in Brisbane. She is currently working both in the private practice seeing Neurology outpatients and in the Mater Hospital Neurology wards. She has had extensive experience across a number of physiotherapy clinical areas working in private practice, hospitals, special schools, aged care facilities and the community. Prior to her role at Active, she was the Day Rehabilitation Coordinator and Physiotherapist at Canossa Hospital in Brisbane’s Western suburbs, and additionally ran a number of exercise classes weekly for people for all levels of ability – wheelchair bound to fully independent. Over the past 5 years working at Active Rehabilitation Physiotherapy , she has specialised in helping people with FND and is now a coauthor on two articles in the area of Functional Neurological Disorder (FND) – one on teaching and the other research on implicit motor imagery. She currently presents both locally and interstate about FND and its management- both individually and as a member of a Multidisciplinary Teaching team.