Creating Training Plans for Specific Outcomes (Standards 1-4)

Creating Training Plans for Specific Outcomes (Standards 1-4)

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New Regulatory Model

Under the new regulatory model, aged care provider performance will now be graded at both the Standards and Outcomes levels. This significant shift signals to Learning and Development (L&D) teams the crucial need to align their training efforts directly with achieving specific outcomes. Such alignment ensures that the training provided is not only conformant but also effective in meeting the gaps in staff knowledge, skill or practice and mitigate risk.

Strategic Planning

A thorough gap analysis is instrumental in identifying risks and understanding regulatory requirements, which then inform targeted training strategies. This process allows L&D teams to pinpoint where training is most needed and ensures that educational efforts are both efficient and effective. By understanding the specific outcomes that need to be met, and the risks associated with non-compliance, L&D teams can develop focused training programs that address these areas directly. This strategic approach not only helps in meeting the standards but also enhances the quality of care provided by aligning training with the real-world demands of healthcare settings.

Create Targeted Training Plans

Watch this video to gain a practical walkthrough on how to approach education and training topics to meet Outcomes mapped to Standards 1-4. Zoe Youl shares a simple, risk-based process, that providers can emulate to successfully create targeted training plans within their own organisations.

References and Resources

We are committed to supporting aged care providers to ensure high-quality care moves from a regulatory requirement to a practical reality. We want to help providers not only meet but exceed the Standards. Here is an up-to-date-list of key resources for providers to review relating to the Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards

  1. The Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards – Final draft
  2. Aged Care Quality Standards: Standard 5 – Clinical Care
  3. Draft audit methodology
  4. Draft evidence framework
  5. Draft pre-audit preparation tool
  6. Glossary
  7. Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety Final Report: Care, Dignity and Respect
  8. Australian Government Response to the Final Report of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety
  9. Aged Care Bill 2023 Exposure draft
  10. New Aged Care Act: Defining high-quality care
  11. Supporting Sector Readiness for the New Strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards (Webinar)


Zoe Youll - Head of Community at Ausmed

Zoe Youl 

Zoe Youl has over ten years of experience at Ausmed. With expertise in Critical Care Nursing, Clinical Governance and Education, she has built an in-depth understanding of the educational and regulatory needs of the Australian healthcare sector.